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Thursday, October 14, 2010


Kirat yakthung chumlung (KYC) is non-profit making
and non-political organization. It is a
community-based organization. Kirat yakthung chumlung
was established in 1989. Now member of the kirat
yakthung chumlung are 150-patron member, 10
conspicuous, 563 life members, they are mainly
ex-British army. The five honorary member of KYC are
pro. R.K. Spring (U.K.), Dr. Byod Micha Lously (USA),
Dr. George Van driem (Netherlands), Pro. Siva Kumar
Shrestha and Late A Widart (Germany). The branch
offices of KYC are in 11 districts and 206
VDC/municipality leval. Activities of KYC are
concentrated in eastern part of Nepal. Punarjiwan
Kendra is one of the projects of Kirat yakthung
chumlung to control drug problem in the eastern Nepal.

Dharan is one of the most drug-affected city of
eastern part of Nepal. A city about 110,000 people
situated in this municipality mostly inhabitation to
British ex-army. Dharan is almost 500m above sea level
nearly on the boarder between hilly and Terai. In our
recent survey show that total number of drug abuser in
Dharan are 3000. There are five percent female drug
users and eighty five percent of drug abuser is
between 14 to 30 years old.
The most popular drugs in Dharan are Buprenorphin,
known as Tedigesic, which is used through injection.
Other drugs are Nitrozepam, codeine based syrup. Most
of the drug users are son and daughter of ex-British
army. In Dharan drug abuse widely spread among the
social groups like Rai, Limbu, Tamang, Gurung and
other ethnic communities. The cause of this problem in
this community is lack of proper communication,
information and education about drug abuse. On the
other hand there is social adjustment problem among
the son and daughter of ex-British army those are came
from abroad.
There are also many drug user infected with HIV/AIDS.
The rapid assessment survey done by National center
for AIDS and STD control in 1999 shows there are 39%
of drug user are HIV+, 63% are HCV and 2% are HBV. The
survey shows that 70% of drug user used common needle.
It shows very dangerous situation Dharan.


Kirat yakthung chumlung established a treatment and
rehabilitation center called Punarjiwan Kendra as a
day care center in Feb. 26 1996. Punarjiwan Kendra
(PJK) developed as a residential treatment and
rehabilitation center in December 1997 with the
support of Dharan municipality & Nepal Police. It has
got 40-bed facility. The total period of treatment
program is minimum three months. The methodology of
treatment process is therapeutic community model. This
center is a community-based organization where 25
NGOs, CBOs and Gos have been interrelated. It has an
advisory board and management committee, which is on
the chairmanship of Dharan municipality.
It is a great achievement of Dharan communities that
Gurkha welfare scheme has funded for the construction
of PJK rehabilitation building in Dharan-13, which
land was donated by Dharan municipality. At present it
has got 40-bed facility. PJK also conduct different
activities related with it's objective. At present it
is conducted harm reduction program (HIV/AIDS
prevention program amongst injecting drug user) with
the support of The center for Harm reduction, Right
based program for people living with HIV/AIDS and
substance user supported by Action aid Nepal and drug
rehabilitation program by internal resource.

Objective of Punarjiwan Kendra
1. To provide treatment and rehabilitation facility
for substance user.
2. To conduct public awareness program on HIV/AIDS &
substance abuse.
3. To prevent HIV/AIDS/HBV/STD amongst injecting drug
4. To organize training and research program.
5. To advocate the right of people living with
HIV/AIDS and substance user.


Treatment & rehabilitation program
1. Acupuncture Detoxification
2. Counseling
3. Group dynamic
4. Work therapy
5. Psycho therapy
6. Inventory class
7. Follow up program
8. Family counseling
9. Social, moral and civic education
10. Vocational training
11. 12 steps class

Public awareness program
1.Parents meeting
2.Student classes
3.Organizing parents group against drug abuse
4.Peer education
5.Teachers training
6.Door to door campaign
8.Training and research

Harm reduction program
1. HIV/AIDS and safer sex education
2. Pre-Post antibody, detoxification and family
3. Primary health care service
4. Preventive material distribution
5. IEC material distribution
6. Out reach service
7. Drop in center


ท Admission in Punarjiwan Kendra is volunteer or
according to the Narcotic drug control act – 2033 B.S.
ท Client and their parents should have to attend in
ท Any pressure to the Client for admission does not

Halfway home
Half way home is a home between their home and
rehabilitation center, it is a one of the
rehabilitation stage. In the half way home there will
be group counseling from with treatment therapist, 12
steps class, sharing meeting, vocational and
micro-credit program for recovering users. The monthly
fee for the halfway home is NRS 1500/- only (only for
fooding and other miscellaneous expenses). The minimum
duration of the half way home is 3 months. The halfway
home is only for those who are discharge from
rehabilitation center.


Tough and Ragged Approach
The treatment program involves comprehensive daily
activities, maintenance of high discipline.

Psycho-Social Approach
a. Psychological aspect deals with behavior
modification, attitude, values, perception and problem
b. Sociological aspect deals with Dynamic of family
relationship, norms and sanction of society, basic
human needs, moral and social.

KYC Punarjiwan Kendra is a non-profit making NGO.
However it takes fees for treatment and rehabilitation
program sustain the program.

1. Admission fee: - Rs 500/-
2. Monthly fee: - Rs 5000/-
3. Total fee in admission: - Rs 5500/-

Scholarship facility for poor client
75% Rs 1250/-
50% Rs 2500/-
25% Rs 3750/-
For the scholarship it is necessary to have certify
letter from their respected municipality and VDC.

There are many drug treatment methodologies; here we
used most popular therapeutic community module.
Therapeutic communities require the drug abuser to
take personal responsibility for his or her problem.
Typically, the idea behinds this treatment is that the
drug abuser is emotionally immature and must be given
a second chance to grow up. Harsh encounters with
other member of the community are typical, the support
of other, together with status and privilege are used
as reward for good behavior.
In Punarjiwan Kendra there are used different
activities in therapeutic community module.
Such as: -
ท Work therapy
ท Group dynamic
ท Family interaction
ท Vocational training
ท Counseling
ท Inventory class
ท 12 steps class

We also include some traditional methodology
ท Yoga
ท Meditation
These activities are conducted regularly in the
center. It is also include in their daily activities.
Daily Activities: -
5:30 Getting up
6:00 Prayer and Yoga
7:00 Tea
7:30 work therapy (all the clients are divided in to
some group, each group have to their daily duty
Gardening, cooking, Cleaning rooms and center)
9:00 Lunch
10:00-11:00 writing feeling
11:00- 12:00 Individual counseling
12:00- 2:00 Group dynamic (discussion about their
problem in group and getting some suggestion in
discussion with the therapist)
2:00-3:00 Tea-Snack
3:00- 4:00 Peer education (12steps class)
4:00-5:00 NA meeting 3 times a week -Free time (Table
tennis, Chess, TV, cremboard, playing card etc. run by
their own)
5:00-7:00 work therapy
7:00 Dinner
8:00 Inventory class
9:00 free time
10:00 go to

For further information Please contact

Bijay Limbu
Program manager
Tel: - 025-28234 (field office Mon to Fri.)
025-24933 (Sun)
Email: - http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/ahrn-list/post?postID=mJiYwPLeIndnE3DHNdv4hD1DwPB4qk6SDSw2jx5ftyJ9pTeyS6N_fHJiNUwivREu8N1guzom19kn2cN9-M1X, http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/ahrn-list/post?postID=LMX_jQnXiqQfb_CxkKXNvtkr-DU29ly0RPtKXzR5ywqhOBkWfSSt-bqsID9rXo7CeDWo4EmT0-8RGZE3

Kamal Tigela
Tel: - 025-28234 (field office Mon to Fri.)
025-24933 (Sun)
Email: - http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/ahrn-list/post?postID=DQGuifYWpro34-7I0BrLdicfD-LzemDSV94poo-EWjSIlOQkRfbUFT83C4RpKVbpcBmXGSdfDZWnMhw0NA

Kamal Kumar Limbu
Tel: - 025-24933 (Rehab-Sun to Fri.)
025-21291 (Res)
Email: - http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/ahrn-list/post?postID=BrUC4cpJNxElN9-zn9R1BkZHEgQv9QLX1E9pNDEp_qRT2xEtdg2-1RO7CEeQQOB76KDdL8Q7

Seeking for support

With regards
Bijay Limbu
Program manager